Friday 29 April 2016

GJ - Day 5 - Opinion

                                                       I am restarting and this is the beginning.

           I have everything i need to survive the first night. i will add more the next day.
these did help me make it through the night but i will need to add water and food to survive the rest of the day.

I have added a dorm room, a first aid room and a bio-dome. the dorm room let them sleep so they wouldn't die form lack of sleep.first aid makes sure if they get hurt it will help them get better and the the bio-dome lets the biologists grow food for everyone that came with them to the planet. 
I liked the game. it was easy but at the same time not. I found that it was very realistic and even when i died every time i logged on it made me really want to succeed in this game. I did it to my record is like 20 minutes. I kept trying and I will. it is very addictive. Even though I didn't make it that far I still think that if i keep trying I will make it to what I am trying to achieve. Everyone should try it, it isn't for everyone but it doesn't hurt to try it. I am glad I did.      

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