Wednesday 27 April 2016

GJ - Day 3 - Review

planetbase is hard. I died right away as it turns night really fast and if you don't have everything you need down to survive like a oxygen tank,  solar panel, wind mill, water tank, energy tank, and a air lock. You will die over night. Make sure to have it all connected as that is how it gets to each other. I kept making the same mistakes over and over again. I put it all together and I put them way to close together that i couldn't put the bunks by the oxygen  tank and then i did it all over again then I died again. If it doesn't have to be by the oxygen tank then don't put it by the oxygen tank spread it out more so it is not as closed in and clumped.
                                          here i first landed onto the planet and everyone is getting off 

i have started to build my oxygen tank it is started to go night so i am going to die as i don't have everything built

i have started to make the rest of my stuff i need to survive. it is starting to go dark.

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