Tuesday 26 April 2016

GJ-day 2- preview

to make a colony you get an oxygen tank from the building button and place it where it needs to be. you also need a solar panel to create energy for the oxygen tank.you also need a water tank to water the plants that grow for food and the people that are build all of it.

you should first build an oxygen tank and a solar panel so you can breath. you then just keep building on to you place till you have a good living place. after you are finished you just keep it up to date.

i found the walk thru made it seem so easy but when i first got on i died right away from lack of oxygen but when i logged on again i did it really easy but it is really different then the walk through. the person on the computer built it really fast and could explain all of it. i could explain any of it if i had to.
i would know better what to do so i would be more prepared then the first time. i died right away and i stared to mess everything up. for some tips i would fallow the tutorial first.

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