Friday 29 April 2016

GJ - Day 5 - Opinion

                                                       I am restarting and this is the beginning.

           I have everything i need to survive the first night. i will add more the next day.
these did help me make it through the night but i will need to add water and food to survive the rest of the day.

I have added a dorm room, a first aid room and a bio-dome. the dorm room let them sleep so they wouldn't die form lack of sleep.first aid makes sure if they get hurt it will help them get better and the the bio-dome lets the biologists grow food for everyone that came with them to the planet. 
I liked the game. it was easy but at the same time not. I found that it was very realistic and even when i died every time i logged on it made me really want to succeed in this game. I did it to my record is like 20 minutes. I kept trying and I will. it is very addictive. Even though I didn't make it that far I still think that if i keep trying I will make it to what I am trying to achieve. Everyone should try it, it isn't for everyone but it doesn't hurt to try it. I am glad I did.      

Thursday 28 April 2016

GJ - Day 4 - Plan

my plan today is to build onto my base that i stared yesterday. Like a garden, bedrooms, for starters then after i get those two down i will keep them up to date and build whatever else i would need to survive.
I am going to get everything down before night so i can survive. I will spread everything out so i have enough space to fit everything.

I made a lot more organised so it isn't so close together and then i could add more on to the base.
                                           I added a water tank and a food/water canteen and bedrooms.

i added a first aid section, a bar and a couple other things.
i only got 2 screen shots today but i made a lot of progress compared to yesterday. 

Wednesday 27 April 2016

GJ - Day 3 - Review

planetbase is hard. I died right away as it turns night really fast and if you don't have everything you need down to survive like a oxygen tank,  solar panel, wind mill, water tank, energy tank, and a air lock. You will die over night. Make sure to have it all connected as that is how it gets to each other. I kept making the same mistakes over and over again. I put it all together and I put them way to close together that i couldn't put the bunks by the oxygen  tank and then i did it all over again then I died again. If it doesn't have to be by the oxygen tank then don't put it by the oxygen tank spread it out more so it is not as closed in and clumped.
                                          here i first landed onto the planet and everyone is getting off 

i have started to build my oxygen tank it is started to go night so i am going to die as i don't have everything built

i have started to make the rest of my stuff i need to survive. it is starting to go dark.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

GJ-day 2- preview

to make a colony you get an oxygen tank from the building button and place it where it needs to be. you also need a solar panel to create energy for the oxygen also need a water tank to water the plants that grow for food and the people that are build all of it.

you should first build an oxygen tank and a solar panel so you can breath. you then just keep building on to you place till you have a good living place. after you are finished you just keep it up to date.

i found the walk thru made it seem so easy but when i first got on i died right away from lack of oxygen but when i logged on again i did it really easy but it is really different then the walk through. the person on the computer built it really fast and could explain all of it. i could explain any of it if i had to.
i would know better what to do so i would be more prepared then the first time. i died right away and i stared to mess everything up. for some tips i would fallow the tutorial first.

Monday 25 April 2016

GJ- day 1- reveal

 Planetbase is a strategy game.  you guide a group of space settlers that are trying to establish an outpost in a remote planet.  In the game you play the role of the base architect and manager, telling your colonists where to build the structures that they will need to survive. You have to ensure that they have an constant supply of oxygenfood and water to stay alive. 
You will get them to collect energy, extract water, mine metal, grow food, manufacture bots, and build a fully self-sufficient base.
Even if the game is not intended to be a simulator, all the mechanics are plausible, and based on what the expected challenges of establishing a colony in an new planet would be

  • there is Four different planets with different conditions and increasing difficulty. 

                       biologist                          medic                                     construction bot

    worker                        engineer                             guard             carrier bot                      driller bot
  • Harness solar and wind energy (if available) in order to power the base’s structures.
  • Grow hydroponic Vegetables and synthesize Vitromeat to feed your population.
  • Mine and produce raw resources, process them, manufacture goods, and establish a production chain.
  • Carefully manage the colonist immigration flow to ensure you have the people with the right skills.
         Survive disasters like meteors, sandstorms or solar flares and defend your base from intruders.Mechanize your base by manufacturing your own bots that will help with the more arduous tasks.Grow your colony from a few initial pioneers to a vibrant planetbase with hundreds of colonists.
                                              is the link to the video i used

Tuesday 12 April 2016

friday post 5

part 1; minecraft superflat world:

 part 2 how to build a floating space ship: if you use creative you can use the blocks and go up a couple of them then take off the bottom blocks by (left clicking) then just keep building from there.

part 3 how to find your screenshots:

part 4 how to upload screenshots and create a album:

 part 5 how to make a slide show and add a caption:


Friday 1 April 2016

friday post 4

what I learnt in flash while animating

in flash I learnt how to animate the face to talk. it is easier then I thought. I didn't know you could have all the sounds on the same layer. using '' stop( ); ''.
you can put more then 1 button on a movie.


Flash Animation Button 1