Monday 29 February 2016

friday post 3

tips and tricks
F8 = create a symbol
CTRL/B = break apart
CTRL/G = group
ctrl-enter = play movie export [swf] file
ctrl /x = cut
ctrl/v= paste
shift/ctrl/v = paste-in-place

what I did this week
I did a town. the car moves and it is very colourful. I started making a fish is fun making things on flash.

Friday 12 February 2016

fridays post

                                                  what  I learnt this week


I learnt about layover with my name. how you do a overlay is you find a picture on the internet then you go to Photoshop and put your name down then you highlight it then you put the picture over top of it then you push ctrl j and then you save it to you drop box.

                                                   what I did this week

                I did a lot of photoshop this week. I used a lot of different colors. on photoshop I used the letters of my name to make different types of layovers. it was fun. I didn't get at first but with some help from my friend I got it a lot better. that is what I did this week in computers.



overlay nature

Wednesday 10 February 2016

overlay material

fridays post

                       What i learnt this week.
 I learnt new keys/short cuts on the computer. Some examples are to highlight you push ctrl/thumbnail to unhighlight you push ctrl/D ctrl/Z is to undo ctrl/alt/Z it to do many undos, ctrl/X is to cut, ctrl/A is to select all and ctrl/V is to paste.

                       What I did this week.
     I made a blog this week. It was my first time. It is really fun. I also did photoshop. I didn't get at the beginning but then one of my friends helped me and now i get it a lot better.

mall parking lot

Friday 5 February 2016

predicted grade