Friday 20 May 2016


link to get sketch up and download the app.

Sketch up is a great app to build everything 3D. If you are a contractor  then you can build whatever you have to and then you can see what you think of it and of what you want to change. 

Some tools that i liked to use is the rectangle tool, the push pull tool, the paint tool and the tape measure tool.

Lets start with the rectangle tool, if you are making a house then you can us it to make the walls, windows, door and the house its self.You just click were you want it to start then you make the square then click again and it is there. 

Next is the push and pull tool, when you make a square on the ground you take the push pull tool to pull it up to make your house. when you are done make your windows with rectangle tool you take the push pull tool and push them in to look like real windows. you also do that to the door to make it look like a door.

 3rd tool is the paint tool, after you finish make everything to your house you want you get the paint bucket and go pick out a color then paint that part of the house the so on and so on. there is a roofing folder and if you go into that one there is a whole bunch of roofing tile.

Last tool is the tape measure, it helps a lot if you are a construction working especially if you need the measurements. how you use it is your tap on the line and then move the mouse and when you reach the measurement you want then you just click but really help for guides and straight lines.

                                                                          rectangle tool

push pull tool

paint tool

tape measure tool

1) hold down the shift when you select to select them all then tap the lines to select them.

2)sketch up remembers every measurement you do.

3) you can copy and paste to make duplicates.

4) triple click to select everything. 

Wednesday 18 May 2016

SU -4- Table


